Bag of snakes
nova scotia, Canada; bad, meaning very bad, never a good thing, crazy, unwanted, can be used as an adjective or a verb.
She is a crazy bag of Snakes!!!
Bag of snakes
Kent, Uk, slang for very good. Occasionally involves removing the adjective it is describing.
That was bag of snakes fun!
That was bag of snakes!
That was bag of snakes!
Crooked as a bag of snakes
Southern and western phase describing a person or and
Organization as being extremely untrustworthy, crooked, cheating and corrupt with out shame.
Organization as being extremely untrustworthy, crooked, cheating and corrupt with out shame.
Old Judge Thompson is as crooked as a bag of snakes, he gives those local attorneys anything they want against out of town people and insurance companies.
Bag of Snakes
Personal demons, secret emotional baggage, sordid history, skeletons in your closet.
When she shared with me her story of lies and deception I did not judge her, for we all have our own bag of snakes.