

俚语 panached


To be roasted in an anime debate by someone who has watched all the anime in this world
I was panached on the group chat


French word (=panasch), meaning "dash or flamboyance in style and action"; "verve".
She's writing with a lot of panache.


the state of being awesome; lit; something that is so fantastic you need to use a fancy word for it
- Hey did you go to the party last night?
- Yeah, and let me tell you, it was panache my dude!
- Ayeee


1. Commonly associated with a 2002 Impreza WRX and its integration with wooden houses and fences.

2. The delivery into public domain of unquestionable lies and ignorance to avert imprisonment and hefty fines.

3. Modern expression used as a means of describing asshattery.
1. Panache: I went through a house today

2. Panache: *snip* 80mph *snip* gas stook *snip* more lies

3.1 Panache is such an asshat

3.2 My god, you're such a Panache...


A single section of braided hair.

Plural: panachiie
"Her hair is 4 and a half panachiie long."

"Look at that panache! It's so well made!"


A mixed drink made with a lager beer and any lemon-lime or citrus soda. (ex: corona and sprite) The sweetness of the soda cuts the bitter taste of the beer. It also cuts the alcohol content. I've heard that this is frequently drunk in Europe.
National Bohemian is a crap beer, but it's not so bad in a panache.


1. a politically-correct term to suggest that one acts, dresses, talks, or is stereotypically gay with the moral but selfish intention to be considered respectful, open-minded, and/or to have manners.
2. a passive-aggressive, Freudian, and/or sarcastic, yet elusively clever way to suggest that one acts, dresses, talks, or is stereotypically gay with the immoral but honest intention to be spiteful and nasty, display one's bigotry, and/or project their own self-hate and/or insecurities.
1. Those jeans are hot, but he dresses so panache.

2. Paul is a fucking panache. Did you see the way the dude looks at me?




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