

俚语 panged


(Past Participle/Adjective.)

Used to describe one who is participating or has participated in altered state of conscious, induced by consumption of illicit substances. (Australia)

(see 'Clapped')
Gee Fred, I'm rather panged after those bickies.

Pang Pang

A term for a person who you like or admire very much in secret and wish to be his lover, but never could. You die hoping that he will turn his mind on you.
"do you take supper?" asked pang pang


An intense almost painful craving for your favorite food or drink.
I started panging as soon as I pulled into the Dunkin drive through, thought I'd pass out before I got my coffee.


high quality marijuana
yo man that stuff was pang


painful tendencies, can be applied to absolutely any situation. (i.e Hunger pangs, head pangs)
Oh man i fell on my wrist yesterday, the wrist pangs are finally getting to me


It is a slang term for "disrespect". Just like the word fuck, it can be used in a variety of ways.
1. Dude, why are you panging me?
2. That was so pang.

3. Dave is such a panger.


When you aren’t wearing bottoms but pretending you are.
No one could tell but, I was in pangs in that photo.




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