

俚语 panpocalypse


Panpocalypse refers to a personal pov about the time beginning around the January 2020 when the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 started its spread around the world and had basically affected every continent except Antarctica by the start of June that year. With no end in sight for a cure, the view of this epidemic as apocalyptic can be descriptively referred to by those with such a view as a “panpocalypse.”

This is related to, but should not be confused with, the term “pandemica,” which generally refers to the general state of the world during this period of time, whether it actually is the end of days or not.
Dude 1: “So bro, how’s your quarantine been going during this ridic panpocalypse?”

Dude 2: “Ugh, it’s been really rough man. Tryin to hook up is about a million times harder in pandemica bc of all the six foot social distancing and all the good stompin grounds closed. Back to Tinder I guess!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:40:37