

俚语 bag - tag

bag tag

originating from the game of tag, where several parties (generaly male) flick each others testicles with their hands without intent to injure, but to send an unpleasant twinge to the other person's testicles.
"bag tag you're it!"

bag tag

To tag a male's crotch in a photo on facebook
I bag tagged his profile pic "Whiskey Dick"

bag tag

a family oreinted game played by "tagging" ones sack rather hard
lets play bag tag

ha ha i got you good you fucker

bag tag

When someone hits someone else in the bag and yells bag tag.Also look up sack attack
John sup.......Bag Tag!

Bag Tag

A back handed smack to the scrotum of another man (also known as "sacking"). Often resulting in a "tag war" where two men will bag tag each other multiple times in an effort to take take one's adversary by surprise. A tag war can be ended with a sacking/tagging truss.
Guy 1: What's wrong dude?

Guy 2: My sack is black and blue from the tag war between me and my friend.

Guy 1: Just make a sacking truss and you can stop getting "Bag Tagged"

Bag - Tag

A game played by a group of males (this is a male only game), that is similar to conventional TAG. The only difference is that you are only allowed to tag an individual in the testicular area of the body. The only major rules are that you are not allowed to Tag the butcher ( BUTCHER - the person who has just tagged you), and there is no full out kicks or punches, only tags and "flicks"
The guys on the football team where playing a game of Bag - Tag when i got to the party.

Bean Bag Tag

A reference to doggy style gay sex where the pitcher's abnormally long balls (bean bag) swing in a pendulum like manner and strike the underside of the catcher's fleshy meat sac (bean bag).
Gay Guy 1: "oh my cubes are so bruised from that vicious game of bean bag tag last night."

Gay Guy 2: "did you play with joe again?"

Gay Guy 1: "yea, when he gets his momentum going his nuts are like two cannonballs in a pair of nylons!"

Gay Guy 2: "Yea i know what that is like... his flesh bag is a wrecking ball designed for crushing man bags."




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