

俚语 pantherous


A female who likes older men.
OMG, Julia's boyfriend is 17 years older than her, she's such a PANTHER!


When someone always has to one up you in every aspect of life.
Person 1 "There's a massive cat in my back garden!"
Person 2 "Well there's a Panther in mine!"

"I drank like half a litre of vodka last night"
"Yeah I had a crazy night, I drank a whole litre"

"Last time I went to the dentist I had two fillings"
"Oh that sucks for you, I had four last time I went in"

Person 2 panthering person one.


A lady who prefers and pursues older men/the opposite of a cougar.
Girl: Dayuuum that is a tall glass of juice if you feel me!
Friend: Yo gurl he's like twice yo she!
Girl: I guess I'm a natural born panther!


nickname for a woman that likes men much older than her...
ewww that guy is 14 years older than you, you are such a panther.


A large cat of the family Felidae native to the Americas. It is also known as the puma, catamount, mountain lion, or cougar.
Woah, dude! Did you see that panther eat that deer?


The act of a sexually aggressive and dominant woman pouncing on a man where she proceeds to essentially rape him. The man is compliant enough to go along for the ride, but afterwards feels a bit like he would rather not have bee involved.
A: "Can you pass me the tea towel"
S: <pounce and root>
A: "Damn, I've been panthered again. I feel so dirty and used"
S: <animal roar> "Now get me some pie"


When a older male dates a younger female
Brad Pitt is a panther
Tom Cruise is a panther
Ryan Reynolds is a panther
Johnny Depp is a panther




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:33:40