

俚语 parapuns


Refers to either:
(1) Two "play on words" jokes.
(2) "Play on words" jokes involving words with da prefix "para", such as:
Parablasts: What Achmed caused by answering his cell phone while putting gasoline in his scooter AND having just filled a gas-can, as well
Parables: Two fertile male cattle
Parabolas: Two ropes-and-spheres weapons
Parabolics: Two screwed-up messes
Parachutes: What you can do with a loaded 12-gauge side-by-side or a thirty-aught-six over-'n'-under
Paracletes: Two sharp metal anti-slip protrusions
Paradiddles: Two people performing tedious/useless activity
Paradigms: Two small silver coins totaling twenty cents
Paradise: Two dotted-cube game-pieces
Paradors: Da free-swinging passage-flaps at a saloon-entrance
Parados: Two old-school computer-programs
Paradox: Two dudes in white lab-coats with stethoscopes
Paraffins: What a fish has at its tail
Paragenesis: Two reprints of da first chapter in da Good Book
Paragraphs: Two of da large pages from a politician's bu**s**t easel-presentation
Parakeets: Two selections from da famous Poet John
Paralegal: Two Fletcher Reedes
Parallax: Two overly-careless/casual people
Paralyze: What you'll get from asking a "paralegal" a question
Paramagnetic: What two cool dudes instantly are to two hot chicks whom they meet
Paramedics: Two emergency-response workers on an ambulance
Parameters: Two energy-measuring devices

Paramilitary: Two servicemen
Paramnesia: Two people who can't recall their names
More examples of "parapuns" include:
Paramos: Da particular/specific behavior-patterns of two criminals
Paramorphs: Two "magically transforming or switching places" conjuring-acts
Paramounts: What a lust-crazed stud wants to do instead of "doing it" just one time
Paramours: Two grassy-marsh areas
Paranoid: What happens if you p**s off two people at da same time
Paranormal: What two loopies claim to be
Paranymphs: Two forest-fairies
Parapets: Two furry/feathered friends
Paraphrase: Two worn-out cliches

Paraprofessionals: Two expert/learned tradespeople
Parapsychology: Two aspects of how da mind works
Pararescue: Da saving of two living creatures in distress
Parasang: A duet vocal-performance
Parashah: Iran's worst nightmare --- M. R. Pahlavi alone was bad enough!
Parasites: Two locales
Parasols: Two spear-throwing hot-heads from ancient Israel
Parasympathetic: Feeling sorry for two people
Parasynapsis: A combined summary of two separate essays
Parasynthesis: Da creating of two different items, substances, ideas, etc.
Paratactics: Two strategies to reach a goal
Parataxis: Two different Yellow or Checkered passenger-vehicles
Parathyroids: Two organs dat affect body-heat in mammals
Paratroopers: Two "statey" cops
Paratyphoid: A sort of warm-weather equivalent of double-pneumonia --- i.e., a severe infection during non-winter months
Paravanes: Two aerofoils
Parawings: What a bird or bat has
Parazoans: Two geographical areas controlled by certain laws




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更新时间:2025/1/23 15:08:40