

俚语 parkin


When someone has really bad ADHD
Tyler: Yo what’s wrong with Drew.
Will: Oh nothing he just has Parkin.


A subhuman or animal, generally referred to black slaves by their white masters during the early 19 century. It is also paired with the N word known as "nigger"
Hey you Parkin you nigger go work the fields if you don't want to get whipped.


Slang for: Park 'n' Ride
A slang term for a spirited, slightly slutty wench with the surname, 'Parker.'
A derogatory, but affectionate term used when wench in question absents herself to engage in sexual misdemeanours with an unknown male.
"Where is Hannah?"
"...the car?"
"No. Park'n'Ride."


When you find a nice romantic spot for you and your shorty, and proceed to convice her to get in the back seat so that you can be "more comfortable" and then next thing you know...you're rippin off her skirt and doin the nasty.

The country boy's way of getting into a city girl's pants.

What high school students do to "make out" or "get some" without having to do it at home.

Not to be confused with "parking" which is the act of stopping your automobile and putting it into park.
Yo dawg. We went parkin last night and GOT IT ON!

Yeah, last night after the bar, me and Katie went down Ole Orchard Road parkin...Then we sat on our tailgate and drank some more Stag.

Like oh my god...like me and Andy went parkin last night after the football game and he told me he LOVED me! So I totally melted and we totally like made out...


A dumbass, the exact opposite of a genius
There's a parkin at my doorstep asking for candy


Someone whom abides by all the rules of being a scene kid, yet lacks the appearance of one.
Hey Tom is that a Parkins?"
"Sure is, cant you tell by the blue M&S jeans and the polo shirt, that is of course if you can hear the BMTH blaring out his technika headphones"
"What a douche

Parkin Out

Taking a siesta while running vulnerability scans in an IT environment.
Coworker 1: Hey look, our IT Security Director is Parkin Out!

Coworker2: Yeah, he does that every afternoon, mostly during his vulnerability scans.

Coworker3: Not again! I've been waiting for his Sophos report all week!




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