A mythical alcohol fairy that comes to the aid of drunk people looking to hook up at parties. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that the Partyka is so good at what it does that if there are no possible human hook ups in your proximity, it will find you something to sleep with. Partyka has been known to elicit such responses as “oh man, that drunk guy is literally having sex with that lamp shade” and "my god, Magdalena really sees the inner beauty in people because that guy she is hooking up with must be 600 pounds."
Examples are commonly seen at parties where a party goer intends to hook up with the attractive individual they have been eyeing all night but instead settles in an inebriated state, for the sea monster in the blue dress who stumbled into the picture at a suspiciously convenient moment rendering the party goer helpless to her less than satisfactory charm. This friends, is undoubtedly a product of the Partyka's meddling.