

俚语 password nazi

password nazi

a password nazi is any organization which forces you to format your online password in a seemingly arbitrary and overly complicated way. it is usually done because the organization believes they are dealing with idiots who would set an easy to guess password, putting their information at risk. it's a hassle for most people because they must break their personal password convention to accommodate their nazi ways. password nazis also design pages to forget your autofill information and set short timeouts so you are logged out after a few minutes of 'inactivity'. password nazis are mostly relics of the web 1.0 era.
a password nazi site would have these rules: your password must contain more than 7 characters and contain both cases with at least one number and one symbol. your password should not be your name, anything familiar, or the word 'password'. for extra security you will be asked to fill out security questions should you forget your password.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:24:51