

俚语 pastorbation


Pas-tor-ba-tion (noun)

The act of self-satisfaction while under the supervision / assistance of one's religious leader or pastor


The execution of sexual acts performed on or by one's religious leader
It is a shame.... those altar boys were victims of pastorbation.


Pas-tor-ba-tion (noun)

The act of self-satisfaction while under the supervision / assistance of one's religious leader or pastor


The execution of sexual acts performed on or by one's religious leader
It is a shame.... those altar boys were victims of pastorbation.


This occurs when an ordained pastor masturbates.
The pastor chose to pull out her Hitachi Magic Wand and polish her pearl. She just hoped no one would be the wiser about her midday Pastorbation session.


Masturbation by a priest while hearing an especially steamy confession.
From the rustling and heavy breathing I could tell pastorbation was occurring just beyond the confessional wall.


What a pastor must do to keep sexually abstinent.
"I haven't had sex since I became a pastor and now I pastorbate everyday!"


An ordained female minister who spends her free time fingering her holes while dreaming of used by a man.
After the service the Pastorbator went home and rode her Hatachi Magic Wand till the neighbors could hear the moaning that marked the arrival of every Sunday afternoon.


Accusing the media of unfairly and self indulgently going after Obama for his ties to racist, homophoe and afro-centrist hatemonger Jeremiah Wright.
Commonly used in the nutroots such as Democratic Underground,
usually by the far left black nationalists such as Frenchiecat and her alter ego Catherina.
The media is all in a self inflicted frenzy again. They are pastorbating.





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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:20:08