

俚语 paulite


An American who wants to keep our strong military right here at home, end the debasement of our currency, and put our financial house in order.
There are more paulites every day.


An avid supporter of Texas congressman Ron Paul. The Paulites are Ron Paul's loyal army of followers. Alan Combs coined the phrase when suggesting that the "Paulites" at home were rigging the post-debate poll by text messaging their vote more than once, even though that's totally impossible. I've tried.
If you believe in liberty, you might be a Paulite.


A disciple of the modern day prophet (and presidential hopeful) Ron Paul. They are also known to love Freedom.
Paulite: Google Ron Paul.

Brainwashed American Citizen: Hell No! Don't you see me wearing my Rudy Gear?


The ideological politics of one for fiscal conservatism, non-interventionism, sound money, limited government, and great moral integrity. First coined by Scotty Bowden, inspired by the need of more "RonPaulitics, and less poly-tics."
Almost all tea party candidates are running for presidential nominee for the GOP, running on the principles of Paulitics.


A person who has been educated at St. Paul's School, Darjeeling, West Bengal. Established in 1823 in Calcutta and later shifted to where it is currently situated in Jalapahar, Darjeeling.

An institution which strongly upholds traditions, values and ethos which were relevant centuries ago and has prevalence till today.

Motto: "Moniti Meliora Sequamur"
Latin: Having been advised, let us follow higher things.
Look at these boys carrying an umbrella. Who does it now? Paulites. They carry themselves just like Britishers did.

Ron Paulites

Someone who follows Ron Paul and libertarian beliefs.
Those people protesting the Federal Reserve by burning dollars were probably Ron Paulites.

Ron Paulites

People who add "RON PAUL 2012!" on each comment they write defending Ron Paul. These people will call non-Ron Paul supporters thing like, "Stupid" "F*ggot" "Jew lover" "Communist" "Anti Freedom" "Libtard" "Republican" "Dem" "Lamestream Media Follower" and will attack anyone who opposes Ron Paul's ultra conservative ideology. They believe Ron Paul is a "Freedom Fighter" and an anarchist who hates the Federal Goverment, even though he supports Federal laws against abortion and same sex marriage. They refuse to listen to any argument about Ron Paul's past including his racist Newsletter and overwhelming support and work with white supremacists, neo-nazis and the klu klux klan. They usually agree with one or two of his ideas and ignore the ones that they normally would never agree with. Paulites also believe Ron Paul would end all war without any serious thought about his policies, voting record or his involvement with negative situations and people.
Even though I know I'll be attacked by Ron Paulites for saying this, I think can't stand Ron Paul!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:00:41