The girl version of this spectacular name is indian, meaning it is not very popular in the states but is one of the most unique, magnificent names you will come across. She is sometimes quiet and anti-social but if she is one of your close friends she is known as a party animal, a humorous girl and a comforting best friend. If you happen to meet one of these amazing girls treasure them, they are so important! Usually Emma and Paven are a great match for best friends as they teach each other to come out of their shell.
Girl: Paven? Who is that?
Girl 2: No idea
Paven's bestfriend: The best person ever! Wait until you meet her she's amazing
Girl 2: No idea
Paven's bestfriend: The best person ever! Wait until you meet her she's amazing
Paven is a sarcastic, funny and extremely competitive guy. He’s super chilled. He doesn't give himself much credit for what he’s capable of.
Person: Paven’s humour is so funny
This girl is known for her kind , lovely personality. She may seem shy at first. But eventually u realise she’s not at all. Her height stands her out from the other girls and her model looks make her unique. She feels passionate about her career and will do really well, she is very horny and extremely freaky. She is the most amazing person to be around.
That girl is such a Paven
An extremely boring individual who often experiences loneliness and has a hard time adjusting to society
Engineering Students are often referred to as pavens due to their isolated nature
Lonely person who seems to only spend time with himself.
That guy is so paven. Why can't he make any friends?
A very uniqe person, hot, and very cool, he will be a smart guy, but a dude you do not want to mes with.
Damn you are such a paven
He is an guy with rizz. he guts the hots, paven will be your best friend but you do not want to mess with him
Bro you will be pavened