PBS Syndrome
Stopping whatever you're doing every couple of minutes to ask for pledges.
Robots and Computer programs can also be programmed to do this, commonly called shareware.
Robots and Computer programs can also be programmed to do this, commonly called shareware.
That streetcorner guitarist has PBS Syndrome.
MIRC and WinZip are programmed for PBS Syndrome.
MIRC and WinZip are programmed for PBS Syndrome.
PBS Pre Birthday Syndrome
PBS is short for Pre Birthday Syndrome, A variation from the "PMS" (Pre menstrual syndrome) but in this case any gender could be affected.
Depression and other symptoms that may differ depends of the person, avoiding people, avoiding making plans for that day, avoiding celebrate it, and feel as miserable as you can. Being dramatic and impossible for those who actually want to celebrate it with you while you avoiding any kind of celebration drawing in your own crap!
A time to look back and think of all the things that went wrong in your life, everything you didnt accomplish an all that type of things.
PBS is short for Pre Birthday Syndrome, A variation from the "PMS" (Pre menstrual syndrome) but in this case any gender could be affected.
Depression and other symptoms that may differ depends of the person, avoiding people, avoiding making plans for that day, avoiding celebrate it, and feel as miserable as you can. Being dramatic and impossible for those who actually want to celebrate it with you while you avoiding any kind of celebration drawing in your own crap!
A time to look back and think of all the things that went wrong in your life, everything you didnt accomplish an all that type of things.
Anna is have PBS, Pre Birthday Syndrome again this year, she just doesnt wanna go dancing!
I would be PBSing this week, please dont call me till my birthday is over, I am viction of PBS Pre Birthday Syndrome
I would be PBSing this week, please dont call me till my birthday is over, I am viction of PBS Pre Birthday Syndrome
Purple Ball Syndrome (PBS)
When you wear tighty whities for way too long. Your balls start to turn purple because they cant breathe and it becomes excruciatingly painful.
Did you hear that guy Luis got Purple Ball Syndrome (PBS)? I think he's wearing his tighty whities way too much, he might have to get his balls surgically removed.
PBS (pissy bitch syndrome)
PBS also known pissy bitch syndrome is when someone is being severely over dramatic, rude, bitchy, and over-all a piss baby for no reason and can’t control it.
Cassidy was suffering from major PBS (pissy bitch syndrome) last night, she was yelling at me for no reason.