

俚语 pdg


Abbrieviation for "pretty damn good". Can be used to describe anything from television shows to food. Synonym to "sweet" and "dec".
"That episode of Stargate last night where O'neill was stuck in that loop was pdg."

"Damn! Those cheesy potatoes your mom makes are pdg."


Meaning "Post dick glow". Refers to the glow one possesses after getting that good dick.
"Girl what highlight are you wearing? You're glowing" "Oh nothing special, just pdg"


Post Dump Goosebump Syndrome
After taking large disposal of human waste (aka dump) a person sometimes develops goosebumps. This is known as PDGS. See also PSGS, SSGS.


A gang in Denton ,Texas that means (PUT DOWN GANG). PDG has rivalries with a gang called NTS a small group of people that no one knows about.
PDG is really dangerous

Is he apart of PDG

What is PDG


any Public Display of Gayness;
also can mean Public Dick Grabbing
"Jeff if you touch my ass again I WILL scream PDG!!!"


Piru Druma Gang from 1700 streets of Texas, California, Chicago, Baltimore
Whats braCKin pdg?

Nun Blood


Potential dick grabber, especially of the male persuasion, but not necessarily gay--in fact, almost never gay.
Dude, on the floor dancing earlier, a girl totally grabbed my dick, but I turned around and it was definitely Giancarlo. Watch yourself 'round that fucker, he's a total PDG.




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