A kickass band based in Southern California. With original music, the collaboration of talented musicians, Felix (guitarist), Joey (bassist), and Micah (drummer), create a funky groove to fuck to.
Their first single, Supernova, is off the hook! Keep checking iTunes to see when it is up. THEN BUY IT!!! You wont regret it.
Their first single, Supernova, is off the hook! Keep checking iTunes to see when it is up. THEN BUY IT!!! You wont regret it.
"-Hey, man! Did you hear that new PeaceBomb track? Supernova?"
-Yeah, dude! That shit's dank! It's funky fresh! I've never heard anything like it before!"
-I know! I just want to have sex with all three of those guys! At once!"
-Yeah, dude! That shit's dank! It's funky fresh! I've never heard anything like it before!"
-I know! I just want to have sex with all three of those guys! At once!"