

俚语 peanut ass

peanut ass

When a big fat girl's got this tiny little butt. You ever seen that before?
Have you ever seen a peanut ass? I used to work with this girl; she had this big ol' body with these two little buttcheeks.

peanut ass

What happens when you eat too many peants.
Oh man, Natalie had peanut ass real bad!

peanut butter ass

When one fails to properly clean after defecation and large chunks of fecal matter remain around the anus.
Frank said, "What the fuck is that smell?"
Andrew answered, "I was in a hurry this morning and forgot to wipe, I have peanut butter ass right now."
Frank replied, "You are fucking gross! How do you forget to wipe? Go clean your ass!"

Peanut Butter Ass

A syndrome commonly associated with bodybuilders and/or fat slobs that consume copious amounts of protein. The human bodies inability to assimilate abundant amounts of protein leads to a sludgy peanut butter like substance passing through the butt hole instead of a nice slippery turd. There is usually no beginning or ending of the actual bowel movement, much like Woody Allen movie. The permenant peanut butter sludge causes the owner to wipe dozens of times without ever resolving the poopy grime caked in the butt cheek area. Often the vigorous wiping leads to smeared poop in the lower back area, skid marks trumping a bulldozer track, and inevitably a clogged toilet.
"Dude, can you bring me some more toilet paper? I burned through this roll, my t-shirt, and both socks and I still have peanut butter ass"

ass peanuts

Bite-sized turds. Great as party snacks for the unsuspecting.
I left a bunch of ass peanuts on the floor that I got from my grandma.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:16:40