

俚语 pearce's


The Best
Girl: "It was the best thing ever!!!"
Guy: "Woah! Second best! Don't forget Pearce


Pearce is the name of a man with a mighty long penis. He has many friends and is sexy as hell.
Omg did u see Pearce I wanna give him a fine shag


The act of going out for a cheeky lunch time tipple on a Thursday only to find your entire day obliterated by a full on session.
Girl 1: What happened to you on Thursday?!

Girl 2: Oh babes, I pearced THE SHIT out of the entire day, total friday fear the next day

Girl 1: Again Gemma?!...I think you have a problem...


A nice and funny person that has really cool friends
Pearce is so funny and nice


To drink so much that you not only black out, but also publicly humiliate yourself. Getting pearced often involves vomiting, getting naked, or urinating in public, and often ends with permanent banishment from the establishment you are patronizing.
Dude, I got totally pearced last night! I was so wasted, I walked out on the patio of the club and urinated on the wall in front of hundreds of people!


The most beautiful sweetest girl in the world. Pearce is also the best friend in the world. Her eyes will make any guy fall in love with her.
All of the other girls wish they were like Pearce


1. refers to a person who can play crazy amazing on the piano
2. a name used for really nice bestie
3. a person who often acts like a wigger
4. also known as kanye east

1. Wow! he plays crazy on the piano, his name must be Pearce.
2. Pearce is my bestie.
3. Dude that guy is acting like a total pearce with his swagger.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:50:26