

俚语 pearly sanchez

Pearly Sanchez

1) When one ejaculates or masturbates and wipes the resulting seminal fluid on the upper lip of another person in the shape of a mustache.

2) A streak of semen on one's upper lip.
Brian was the first to fall asleep at the party. His best friend Adam decided he would give Brian a Pearly Sanchez. So Adam vigorously masturbated, then took his handful of semen and wiped it over Brian's upper lip. When Brian woke up in the morning he had a crusty mustache and complained about the smell of semen.

John masturbated in the school bathroom catching the semen in his hand. He went out in to the hall and caught up with his buddy Fred. John got the semen on his pointer finger and quickly wiped it across Fred's upper lip and yelled, "Pearly Sanchez" at him. John got suspended from school and is facing prosecution. Fred got herpes.

Frank liked the smell of his semen. So most days before work he would masturbate and give himself a Pearly Sanchez.




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