This is an old southern term used by my grandmother. It is a disrespectful term for a white person similar to "cracker" or "honky." I believe it comes from the fact that woodpeckers have reddish hair up top like white people.
That 'ole peckawood tried to steal my land.
The correct word is peck of wood. It was used by slaves to describe the worth of a white man that was the overseer. The slaves pronounced it as peckawood and the word evolved to peckerwood with wealthy whites wanting to seperate themselves from the lessor whites than themselves. I'm 62 years old and i was told this by my grandfather when i was a young man.
That white man ain't worth a peckawood
A peck of wood is the smallest weight of wood
The white man is not worth peckawood
Mister Peckawood
Man with 103 inch dick.
I was walking down the street when i stepped on something; it was mister peckawood.