

俚语 pedophile apologist

Pedophile apologist

A "pedophile apologist" is a person who defends pedophiles.

The first type of apologists advocate for pedos to be helped and treated with therapy as to prevent them from causing any harm.
The second type of apologists may either downplay pedophilic behavior or defend an actual pedophile.
Mike: Can you believe Jake is a pedophile apologist?
Jane: He's just saying how helping them is the best option, I think it's fine.

Pedophile apologist

Someone who calls people names then uses urban dictionary to prove their point.
L-ara was a pedophile apologist because she has google and searched for a word.....

Catholic Pedophile Apologist

A Catholic Pedophile Apologist is a person who makes excuses about pedophiles who are catholics.
It doesn't matter whether these pedophile monsters are just Catholics or Catholic Clergy.
Every time CATHOLIC PEDOPHILIA is mentioned,for instance,in a Question in the Religious & Spirituality Section of the YAHOO!Answers website,,the Catholic Pedophile Apologists post inane,bizarre,ranting,blatantly lying answers about other religious cults,or school teachers,sports coaches,scout lesders etc,,as having more pedophiles than they do.
A Catholic Pedophile Apologist prefers to try to protect the Catholic Pedophiles who rape and sexually abuse innocent children who are virtually prisoners of the Catholic Cult,because their parents are members.
A Catholic Pedophile Apologist(some of them are even mothers)also prefer to protect their Catholic Cult religion than protect the innocent traumatised victims of Catholic Pedophilia.

Catholic Pedophile Apologist or CPA

Someone who makes excuses for Catholic Pedophiles
When ever a Catholic Pedophile is mentioned, a Catholic Pedophile Apologist or CPA,will try to protect the Catholics by deflecting attention to other groups instead of concentrating on protecting the the many thousands of innocent children victims from Catholic Pedophiles




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:29:01