Is very thick and is very cute
Pedra is so thick
As Crack Cocaine is known in Guinea Bissau, transit hub for the cocaine trade out of Latin America and into Europe.
Guinea Bissau guy who claims to be the first to have smoked pedra: 'Most of the locals who found the packages (that a ship lost in the sea) had no idea what it was or what to do with it. But I knew. After a while I became crazy and aggressive. But it is a difficult thing to stop smoking pedra.'
Pedra Ferrix
That one dude who camps in game...who has insane luck and lack skill....these species (pedra ferrix) are commonly found in every game they are so lucky that is capable of getting a kill by shooting at the air..they are very rage inducing
*after being killed by a pedra*
Bro pls stop being a "pedra ferrix (pedra)" grow up
Bro pls stop being a "pedra ferrix (pedra)" grow up