

俚语 peeking


looking at ass in public
damn i caught daniel peeking her again!!


Used when something or someone is being totally NOT cool!
"Your car just broke down? Bro thats sooo peek!"

"Dude, turn the music back on. Your being so peek!"


1. s. a quick view, a glance.

2. v. To steal a glance at somebody.
1. he get a peek at this book and decided not to buy this one.

2. Tryin' to know what her husband's doin', she's peekin' at him right now.


to be extremely excited about something. or think it was awesome. or act of being excited. or to reach ejaculation.
"Dude, that game was so intense."
"Yea man, I almost peeked."

"I peeked when I aced the math test."

"That awesome dunk made me peek."

"I peeked on that girls chest."


A pedophile that only looks and does not touch.
Did you see him skeezin' all over that middle school girl? What a fucking peek, man.


When you've reached that great limit of drug intoxication and you feel absolutley great and you know you're having an awesome time.
"fuck im peeking like no tommorro"

"man you must be peeking?? haha wat did you take"


Also known as sherby. Peek or "mark" as some know him are extremely gaycunts. They are fascinated with an individual called Emma McPeek. Peek also plays for blanx, and regularly gets his arse pounded by boneh, who has a hairy jungle leg.
"oi peek"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:12:18