

俚语 peelin'


Squeezing the outside of the peel right under your nose and inhaling deeply causing citrus mist to enter your nasal cavity, clearing your sinuses and getting you peeled
Dude, I'm so peeled right now

I was peelin earlier and now I have a nosebleed

I was peelin so hard yesterday, I didn't even go to class


When someone is going full retard and you can't describe it
Omg that man is man is straight peelin


When whippin out to pay with a large amount of dollar dollar bills yall
I was peelin when dis crook started eyein me


Feeling good; the feeling and or act of being stylish.
Bro I was peelin' last night, then my ex came and killed the whole vibe.

This girl would not leave me alone at the party bro, like, can I peel?

"Ha...you're mad."

"You sound lost goofy, I peel."

Peelin It

When one or more persons are sexually frustrated to the point of fidgeting, which leads them to peel/scrape/bite off the label on a beer bottle, and then hand it off to the person of choice to let the ravishing commence.
"What are you doing Ellen?"
"Here Greg (boy of wanting) have this beer label."


One of those "X-treme" terms for when something is really good.
That band was peelin
That jump was totally peelin

Peelin Oranges

The act of having sprayed orange air freshner to disguise one's flatulence.
What's that smell, You been peelin oranges??




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:26:34