

俚语 peepee suck

pee pee suck

Jeffy's pet fish
His name is pee pee suck

Pee pee suck

Something that Jeffy from SML (super mario logan) names every pet such as his dog, fish and hamster.
Mario: Alright Jeffy, what are you going to name your pet.

Jeffy: Pee pee suck

Mario: Jeffy, you are not calling it Pee pee suck

Pee pee suck

Commonly known as a blowjob, this slang term is used by 6 year olds who think Jeffy is funny.
"dad, give me pee pee suck!" Jeffy said.
" Son... I'll beat the living hell out of you if you say that again." His dad replied.

pee pee suck 2

when 2 pee pees are sucked at the same place time
did you hear about how she suck pee pee suck 2 pee




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