

俚语 baked ass

baked ass

A smell comparable to an ass that hasn't been washed after a marathon.
Your dog smells like baked ass!

baking ass

bake some ass, baking ass, to be very much under the influence of marijuana.
I am totally baking ass right now.
Wanna bake some ass after work today?

about to bake your ass

Insult someone, or go in on someone for something they are doing, wearing, etc
"Johnny your shirt's ugly as hell I'mma about to bake your ass"

bake bean nose ass

a person who just got FUCKING roasted.
get yo bake bean nose ass out of here boiiii.

Now I'm finna bake yo ass

To say mean or hurtful words to one another
Person 1 : your ugly you your daddy's son

Person 2 : now I'm finna bake yo ass

Baking an ass

Commonly used in reference to problems with technology, derived from phrases like “my wifi connection stinks”.
I can’t connect to the game right now, my computer is baking an ass.

ass baking

The act of baking ass.
"Hey John, that was some quality ass baking last night. What's your recipe?"




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