

俚语 baked baby

baked baby

Cooking a baby in a microwave until it explodes.
Fred:What do you want for dinner?
Bob:Baked Baby

easy bake baby oven

A hetero sexual women who carries and delivers a baby for homosexual male friends, or relatives, with out financial compensation.
Megan is going to be James and I's easy bake baby oven. Who say's gays shouldn't have kids?

easy bake baby oven

prostitute / concubine
Yo dude, you heard about that chic?

Yeah man, tons of people use her as an easy bake baby oven.

Baby Baked

Being extremely high or baked off of marijuana.
Dude, Im baby baked!

Baby Bake

To blow marijuana smoke in a babies face to get him/her baked.
I always baby bake before nap time.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:43:32