

俚语 peige


a young sexy, classy, intelligent, sophisticated young women that definitely has it goin on.
Aye Yo, you see that chick she is definitely a peige!


Peige is an amazing person who always wants to help but is also a little full of herself. Usually brunette when she’s older. Peige is absolutely gorgeous! And an awesome friend, she’s there even if you just need to rant. She’s very smart and and good at giving advice. She can have her blonde moments and she knows it. She’s one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet and people usually take advantage of that. It takes her while to find guys, but when she finds the one she’ll never let him go. If you’re dating a Peige, NEVER let her go. No matter how difficult she can be sometimes, she brings more good than bad in a relationship.
Girl- that girl seems so nice her name must be Peige!

Guy- yeah and she’s also hot as fuck! She’s gotta be a Peige




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:37:10