(A combination of ‘penetrate’ and ‘date’.)
1) the act of having sex with a partner without actually dating.
2) Similar to a booty call, typically a penedate starts after midnight where one, or both, parties have been drinking and get the urge to have sex. Typically, they are friends-with-benefits.
similar word: PENEDATER: A man who does not go out on dates but does meet up with a woman, usually late at night, to have sex.
1) the act of having sex with a partner without actually dating.
2) Similar to a booty call, typically a penedate starts after midnight where one, or both, parties have been drinking and get the urge to have sex. Typically, they are friends-with-benefits.
similar word: PENEDATER: A man who does not go out on dates but does meet up with a woman, usually late at night, to have sex.
“OK fellas, I have to go as soon as happy hour is over. I have a penedate.”