

俚语 penguin ninja

Penguin Ninja

A penguin ninja looks cute and cuddley but they can kick your butt from here to New Orleans. Especially if you piss them off. Pet them and they'll squeel 'cause their scared and will run off. Then they'll come back with about 6 other penguin ninjas and kick your butt.
Whoa man! Where'd you get that black eye?
Penguin ninjas kicked my butt!
Yep I stopped to pet one and it squeeled and ran off. Then it came back and him and his 6 other buddys kicked my butt.
Ja. Darn Penguin Ninjas!!!!!!!

Ninja Penguin Buddy

(AKA NPB) When someone sneaks over to your house at 3 in the morning to put a penguin, of any sort, on your balcony using ninja skills. This is usually done to show someone that good things do happen to good people. If the penguin is accepted by the receiving person then the two become Ninja Penguin Buddies.
Dude, have you met my Ninja Penguin Buddy yet? He is totally legit.

Solar-Powered Ninja Penguin

A Penguin that is Solar-Powered and just so happens to posess Ninja qualities.

see also:
Siamese Pygmy Pole-Vaulter
I have no example. I am writing stuff so the system will accept this.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:58:20