PengYou (also known as PengYou-hood and PengYou Allegiance) is the philosophical belief of unity through the feels, those who choose the path of PengYou-hood have decided to walk the path of honour and nobility and will pursue true PengYou-ship for the rest of their life. Those currently not known as PengYou are still PengYou, simply without the formal title. the entire world is part of the PengYoumen no matter religion, race, background, political affiliation etc. the group is led by the dream of world unity and eventual uniform PengYou acceptance through philosophical and theoretical mutual understanding, leading to loss of human conflict and lasting world peace.
"Hey there Nathan, I heard you recently decided to become a member of the PengYou Allegience.
Oh yeah, the ways of PengYou-hood have really opened my eyes."
Oh yeah, the ways of PengYou-hood have really opened my eyes."