Noun combining the root word and noun "penis" with the and combining noun form "-cracy," a suffix which menas "form of government, social or political class, and theory of social organization."
Penistocracy Definitions:
1 : government by the biggest dick or by a group of small, but nevertheless dickish dicks; also, government by the biggest pricks or assholes
2 a : a government in which power is vested (see 2vest 1a) in a minority consisting of those who are the most dickish
2 b : a state with such a government
3 : a governing body or upper class usually made up of a hereditary nobility a member of a penistocracy
4 : a class or group of people believed to be superior (as in rank, wealth, or intellect) an intellectual penistocracy
Penistocracy Definitions:
1 : government by the biggest dick or by a group of small, but nevertheless dickish dicks; also, government by the biggest pricks or assholes
2 a : a government in which power is vested (see 2vest 1a) in a minority consisting of those who are the most dickish
2 b : a state with such a government
3 : a governing body or upper class usually made up of a hereditary nobility a member of a penistocracy
4 : a class or group of people believed to be superior (as in rank, wealth, or intellect) an intellectual penistocracy
The Orokin penistocracy was overthrown by the Tenno and the Lotus.