

俚语 pepa


In Mexico: its one of several slang terms used for a girl's pussy a.k.a. vagina.

En Mexico es una palabra conocida como la chocha de una mujer.. alias Vagina.
1. She said her pepa gets wet when she gets aroused.

2. Ella dice que se le moja la pepa cuando se excita.


Argentine slang for LSD.
Person 1: Che boludo, colé alta pepa.
Person 2: Dou


You are lucky to ever find or encounter a Pepa in your life. Pepa's are especially loving and care for everybody around them. They are always attractive and want to help you out. If you ever find one, make friends with her! You won't regret it.
I met a Pepa the other day.

Oh my sweet Jesus you lucky boi


In Colombia: A person whose intelligence is above the average.
Someone characterized for being smarter than others.
Carlos es el mas pepa de la clase.


A slang term for a grandfather. Used in many southern states, including Texas, Arkansas, Georgia, and Louisiana.
"Hey Pepa! Where you goin'?"

"I'm headin' back into the house to get your Mema."


Way of referring to a, lower than LSD quality, type of lysergic acid.

Comes in small cardboard squares with psychedelic designs imprinted on it.

A type of cookie topped with quince (membrillo) or sweet potatoe jelly, popular in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
“Anoche tuve un mal viaje de pepa”
“Last night I had a bad trip on pepa”
“Tenes idea de a quien le puedo comprar pepa?”
“Do you have any idea of who I can buy pepa from?”
“Venís a tomar el té? Cociné unas pepas”
“Are you coming over for tea? I baked some pepas”
“Fui al supermercado y no había más pepas”
“I went to the market and they’ve run out of pepas”


A nickname for someone's grandfather.
Me: "Aunt Maria, have you seen Pepa?"

Aunt Maria: "Yeah, he went out with Mema."




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