

俚语 perfectomundo


Kind of Spanglish word not meaning "perfect world" or "mundo perfecto" but "perfectly".
Spanglish Usage Statistics Office (SUSO) released its last statistics about this word--the usage of "perfectomundo" is growing specially in Lincoln, NE area.

The theory about the author of this word says that its creator is a human specimen known as LRM. Probaly, the word in question, was a result of an external enviromental factor who triggered some plastogenes in the left hemisphere of the brain. An interruption on the translating system (English to Spanish) of the individual happened, causing a rare reaction wich produced the word to come out, for the first time, of the LRM's mouth.
- Hey Lyle, let's go to the cinema. What do you think?
- Perfectomundo!


Perfectly, which is "Perfectamente" in Spanish, but the person heard it wrong, thereby the "MENTE" became MUNDO. Perhaps the person knew the word MUNDO already and then repeated it the only way they knew how. This is how languages have evolved across the centuries.
Man, that movie was so awesome, it was perfectomundo!


The revised edition of 2022 states that "Perfectomundo" is not a mistakenly written word, but a long effort to define something so extraordinary amazing, that the word "perfect" simply ain't gonna cut it, chief. Obviously, its roots derive from the words "perfecto" (spanish word for "perfect") and "mundo"(spanish word for "the orb" or "the world"). The astonishing, combo-wombo of those words, give the meaning of "world's most perfect".

One could ask, what things may be worthy enough to be given such a title? And i would say "Well that's a good question, chief!" (who is that "chief" person anyway?).
After living this life for so long, exploring many places and experiencing lots of new things around the world, i only found one thing worthy enough for "perfectomundo". And that thing is a girl in Poland, called Faustyna. Not any girl that is, but my tiny bunny.
So there you got it chief, now you know what "perfectomundo" means, and why you most probably never gonna use it in your life ever!
"Well yea, the "somehow" part was for fun, i know exactly why i love your corrections my perfectomundo bunny! :* "
"Put THAT in the dictionary :D :P :* :* "




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:44:50