

俚语 perfexcellent


An adjective used to describe something that is both impeccable AND excellent in all ways, shapes, and forms.

Also see Perfexcellence
I think I met a goddess, this girl had the most flawless body I have ever seen, and her personality and mind surpasses all others of everyone I've ever met, she's so perfexcellent.


Both perfect and excellent, perfexcellent.
Guy 1: Dude, this example sux.
Guy 2: Dude, you sux.
Guy 1: Just saying you need an example that's perfexcellent.


a standard above all else in terms of the quality of ones work.
Mr. Wheble demands more that perfection. He demands more than excellence. He demands Perfexcellence.



1. the fact or state of perfexcelling; perfect superiority; flawless eminence

2. a perfexcellent quality or feature

3. (usually initial capital letter) perfexcellency (def. 1).
1. Her whole life seems to have spawned from perfexcellence; she is so impeccable and amazing.

2. Her lovely and amazing smile is one of the perfexcellences of her beauty.




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