

俚语 perma


A prefix that works with pretty much any word one would like emphasize the permanent-ness of.
Shit B...I got so trashed last night - I slipped and took a mean digger. My back is killin' now, B! Pretty sure it's perma-fucked up


Gender or lack thereof at birth. It is not assigned to you. You were born as that gender or void. Your gender/void has not changed throughout your life and has always been the same for you from the earliest moment you can remember.
P1: "You're transgender right?"
P2: "Technically... I identify as Perma-nonbinary."


to be completely stoned out of one's mind, short for permafried
"You smoked 10 blunts last night?"
"Yea, and then I hit the steamroller too many times to count. I was perma"


A females vagina... also known as a squid..
Sarah’s perma has an odd stench!


A person in close contact with you i.e. roommate; who does not establish a connection with you, and consistently makes each and every situation awkward with his/her mere presence.
My roommate just stands behind me not saying a word while I'm playing x-box, he's like a fuckin Perma-Stranger.


A permanent limp caused by a previous accident/break/fracture on the legs/ankles/shins/feet/etc.

A person with a perma-limp has a "funny", special walk often mistaken as a weird strut.

Perma-limps should NOT be mistaken as a swagger.
Lexxy: "Dude! There's Andre, over there!"

Trina: "What? Where? How'd you know that's him?"

Lexxy: "It's his signature perma-limp, you can't miss it."

Perma Poop

The outermost ring that surrounds the anus. Usually darker then the rest of the body.
After many years of poorly wiping I bent over and noticed a darker ring around my anus, I have perma poop!




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