

俚语 balck


A Balck is someone who is lightskinned, but racist towards their own kind. Although they are racist they are also mysterious, retarded, but somewhat smart.
He is such of a Balck


when a woman ( after having sex ) is held upside down by her ankles and removed from the room so that the bodily "fluid" remains inside and not on the floor.
" she spent all night with that guy and all he did was balck her off on the morning "

Balck coch

a way to spell black cock with out knowing
you such a balck coch


When you try to type black but keep messing up.
"Let's see here...oh fuck I typed balck again."

mats balcke

Blue Emo head, introvert with aggresionproblems
"wow that's a Mats Balcke!"




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