

俚语 personificate


To spread your persona to others.
I’m going to personificate all over the floor!


Giving an inanimate object or thing human characteristics
Ex: time leaps forward

Incorrect usage: time flies forward(this is a use of a less hear of literary term, avification.)


really can't imagine why you're looking this up on the urban dictionary, but it's a literary term that makes an inatimate object seem alive.
the lake rolled around uneasily in it's bed, waiting to awake and attack the citizens.


1. Somebody who embodies something: an embodiment or perfect example of something.

2. A representation of an abstract quality or notion as a human being, especially in art or literature.

3. The attribution of human qualities to objects or abstract notions.

The definition pretty much covers personification.


Something done as a personification.
The ugly sweater personifically screamed at you.


Bang, Wallop, Crash, Boom, Twonk
The Personification of the car is Boom.

Anthropomorphic Personification

A creature created by imagination, often originally deriving from solar rituals but adapting to fit the times. Examples include Death, the Sandman, the Soul-Cake Duck, the Tooth Fairy...and the Hogfather.
"Says here 'Implied Creation Of Anthropomorphic Personification.' What's that mean?"
"Er...I think Hex has tried to work out the answer."




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