

俚语 pessimistic


Pronounced (peZZimistic). Notice the starting is pronounced like the candy dispensers called 'Pez'. Most people pronounce this word wrong.

It is the opposite of optimistic. Pessimistic is defined as expecting the worst in this worst of all possible worlds.

Another way to spell pessimistic is pezzimistic.
She is pezzimistic because she always believes she will lose at Minesweeper Flags.


1.) A person who is known for their negative outlook upon life.

Related: cynic
Katie: You are such a pessimist!

Dante: You are going to die, too.


Someone who is rarely disappointed, but sadly, very rarely pleasantly surprised.
A pessimist is a misunderstood realist, who would like to visit the planet optimists live on, but wouldn't like to live there.


What people now call a realist.
It's not pessimistic to acknowledge a cup half empty as long as you know its also half full.


pessimists are the happiest people

optimists are always getting their hopes up, setting high goals, but when they undoubtedly fail, they just have that mouch more to be depressed about. pessimists on the other hand always anticipate the worst and never set their goals high, that way when they fail they have less to be depressed about. as an added bonus, if a pessimists sets their goals low and actually achieves or surpasses them, they will be even happier
bob is an optimist and he hopes to get a 90% on the test
bill is a pessimists and doubts if he'll even pass the test
both bob and bill get a 70% on the test, which makes bob sad because he missed his goal by 20%, bill on the other hand is exstatic because not only did he pass, but he got a B-.


an optimist with experience
i used to think i would be happy but now i know i never will be


a pessimist is a realist - an optimist is largely unrealistic
when things are going wrong, a pessimist says what everyone else is thinking




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更新时间:2024/9/21 15:40:15