(adjective) scared stiff, alarmed, stunned, startled, astonished.
Machine Shop rockin when we step inside, and we got everybody so petrified. -- M.Shinoda FortMinor, 'Petrified'
alcohol intoxicated(another way of saying stoned (out))
That car was swerving so much, the driver had to be petrified.
adj. stoned so often that acute effects on thought are outwardly noticeable.
little bitch is petrified, no wonder he get no love.
An unreasonable (or is it?)phobia of treating computer mouse as a pet.
I'm petrified of sharpening my mouse instead of my pencil.
the petrifier
The act of bringing both of ones hands together to create a fist, then using it has a battle ram, plunging it into some sort of hole.
Yo Albert and CJ hold open this girls legs as I preform the Petrifier.
Don't drop the soap or someone may give you the petrifier.
Don't drop the soap or someone may give you the petrifier.
In West-Central Scotland: To embellish, exaggerate and generally expand the true meaning of a story, often losing the truth in the process
He was known to petrify accounts of his various visits to Manchester
Something absolutely scary and shocking that leaves the crowd shocked.
When I heard of the ghost it was petrifying