

俚语 phace


It means face.
The "ph" makes an "f" sound.
You have a really ugly phace.


a dyslexic person's face
Shirley: "Omg look at her face!"
Lee: "She's totally pulling a phace"


to be real close to you
close enough to feel your breath
close enough to hear your pulse
close enough to smell your skin
close enough to count your hair
to think your thoughts
to lick your lash
to touch your bones
speak in tongues
brush your beard
stroke your nose
wet your tears
ban your fears
"John and I phaced each other and just were. We just were. Very closely. Everything was alright. It was what it was."


Phace can be used to replace any word. It can be used to call some one a name or just inplace of anything.
Kinda like you Phace uh
"Your ugly" person
"your phace is ugly" you


Phace is a word created by L0x. It's commonly used to ward off poserlicious losers, like people younger than you and I. Phace pwns words like "fat" and "face" and sometimes even "fone" when spelt incorrectly.
Your phace! oooooooooh


Offten used after shuting someone down or embarassing them. Used to end a blaze.
"You got a big head...Phace"
"you are damn ugly...Phace"

Phat Phace

A derogatory term used by jealous onlookers to describe a man of modesty, charm, whit and intelligence. Such men tend to enjoy great success in personal endeavours and also attract female attention, which can cause envy and bitterness amongst their companions.
In an attempt to make themselves feel better, other men will brand this person a “Phat Phace” and attribute all of his success to luck.
"Look at that guy. All the girls seem to like him without him even trying. I wish I could be that effortlessly charming and intelligent whilst maintaining such a quiet unpretentious demeanour. What a phat phace."




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