

俚语 phaser


Person who is going through a phase, often used by goths to describe baby bats (young goths)
"That kid looks like he just bought that whole outfit from Killstar and like he started listening to Bauhaus after buying the T-shirt. What a phaser."


A musical effect achieved by splitting the incoming signal and changing the phasing of it. The signal is taken in and out of phase and mixed back in with the original signal. As the phasing changes, different frequencies get canceled resulting in a warm sort of twisting sound.
"Phwoar! That distorted phaser effect is awesome!"


person who goes through all or most of the subcultures in the world mostly because they haven't found themselves yet
jace is such a phaser


Someone who is experiencing or who has experienced "the phase" in which he or she is temporarily attracted to the same sex.
See also yestergay.
"Yeah, he fooled around with my friend james a little bit... but it turned out he was just a phaser"


An advanced weapon which fires a stream of phased particles.
Made famous by the finctional TV show "Star trek" the Phaser was never actually in wide spread use. The Phaser is capable of stunning or killing an oponant or of melting, heating and vapourising objects. In only recorded use of a phaser was when one was fired to stop William Shatner from making another album
Set your Phasers to stun


A person who ruins a party by either not participating in a certain activity or leaving earlier than anyone else.
Someone who ruins fun by not participating in a certain activity even though they were called at 3 a.m. to come out.
D & D are fucking Phasers because they didn't answer texts at 3 a.m. to party with drunk friends in Vegas.


Someone who switches from scene to scene as they please for fashion and getting laid
"Look at that gunk I bet he becomes a phaser in a nickel flip!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:42:15