

俚语 phatmass


Proper noun, as in it was (maybe still is) an online community for ultra-traditional and ultra-conservative Roman Catholics who like to imagine themselves as renovating Catholicism for a modern world like through rap-music and other pop-culture references. Members express virtually outright anti-democratic, anti-human-rights, or even fascist sentiments and get applauded or minimized when objections/concerns come up with the concern/objector being the target of bullying or outright trolling of one kind or another. Anti and pseudo science, philosophy, and intellectualism. They have several pseudo-intellectuals who will sometimes pop up to give very intellectually dishonest ramblings that any criticism or disagreement with is met again with bulling or trolling.

Of course the normal traditional Catholic stuff too like anti-sexuality, anti-contraception, anti-LGBTQ+, and so on is the norm. But to say that this is just a traditionalist and conservative message board would be an extremely misleading imagining. Even from a Catholic point of view they are disagreeable to the Second Vatican Council and most modern Popes, especially Pope Francis it would seem, the ordinary form (or the common mass in English). The community climate itself is at very best unhealthy and normally just toxic and abusive. Moderators do very little to curb this and do a lot more to protect their ultra-traditional and ultra-conservative haven that has driven away most of the members of the community.
"Did you read on Phatmass how they were saying democracy is immoral?"

"Yeah, Phatmass is a disaster."
"Thankfully I know that Phatmass isn't really Christian or Catholic."
"Phatmass taught me how hypocritical Christianity is."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:26:18