

俚语 ball basket

Ball Basket

When a girl has a vagina so big that when you have sex with her your balls rest in it like they were in a ball basket.
Man, Laura has a ball basket between her legs.

basket ball

A Sport Played By Men And Women all around the world;a famous sport;a round orange ball with black stripes on it used to play the sport BasketBall
Hey dude wanna go play some basket ball?


Someone who is so out of touch with everything and never knows anything. Basket-Balls also are super loud and usually have a short temper. Finally, the last distinguishing feature of a Basket-Ball is that they always say fight me bro, while they couldn't win a fight against a snail.
Kid 1 - "Hey do you see Bob over there?"
Kid 2 - "Yeah, he's the biggest Basket-Ball in the school!"
Kid 1 - "I know, he Never shuts up."

Basket Ball

When groups of 4 guys get together and rape old men for points.
I don't want to get older and watch young kids playing basket ball

alc basket ball

alcohol at the basketball court
yo get that alc basket ball for tonight at the court homie

Basket ball 2

Massive bowling ball dribbled down court while you attempt to survive the massacre
John"you wanna play some basket ball 2?"
Matt"hell no, I wanna live."

Wrong Basket Ball

When a man plays basket ball and takes it all the way to another court and scores it over there like a big massive asshole
My friend was doing Wrong Basket Ball




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