

俚语 piachupl


PiachuPL - polish very famous youtuber born in 2007, mostly recording Minecraft. Piachu loves playing chess especially Italian games, he almost always starts with double seicento. He practices his chess skills on polish classes on bullet games. Sometimes he is very annoying especially in school. He is known for his confidence and big ego. You can spot him in Saska Kępa, Warsaw, Poland. He loves to make jokes about gay community especially one of his friends. He only wears dirty pants mostly grey sweatpants and skinny jeans (which are consider gay by his friends). He uses ultimate rizz method but only on younger girls especially 12 years old, once one of his targets vomited on his skinny jeans during the party. He used to be vape plug in school because of his contract with Arabic family.
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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:06:06