

俚语 ballcock


part in the toilet that lets in the water. also known as a fill valve.
my toilet keeps running. i need to fix the ballcock.


The condition where by ones testicles retract upwards creating a singular solid formation with the penis. Usually due to a hefty kick aimed at the nether-region of a male, often induced by an inappropriate comment or touch
That bitch gave me a right ballcock with that kick I only felt her tit


A part to shove up your ass
I'm gonna put my ballcock somewhere where the sun doesnt shine


To get screwed over, tricked, or cheated out of something.
That guy totally stole your girlfriend, dude you just got ballcocked.



Referring to a mans genitalia. Can refer to a man or a woman.

Prounounced with an "ax"
"The he got himself kicked right in the frikkin ballcocks!"

"Your mutha's ballcocks is so big, she looks like she's sittin on a bean bag chair!"

Slovakian Ballcock

When a guy's balls are used instead of a ballcock (mechanism for filling water tanks)
Bro I almost drowned doing the Slovakian Ballcock




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