

俚语 ballcuzzie


noun. a mini jacuzzie for ones testicles. require a cup of water, a straw, and some C 02.

submerge testicles into cup of water. insert straw, blow bubbles.

origin of word - college town ithaca
"can we get a round of ballcuzzies on the house please. thanks"


Place your nuts in a bowl of warm water. Then have a girl put a straw into the bowl and blow bubbles under your balls. Rubber ducky is optional of course.


When a male or something with nuts submerges their testicles into a cup of warm water while their partner blows profusely through a straw that has been inserted into the cup creating a jacuzzi affect. For added pleasure the penis is usually wildly jerked with the blowers free hand until ejaculation.
The gentle bubbles of the ballcuzzi tickled my sack as I unloaded my penis gravy


When a man teabags a warm glass of milk while two women blow bubbles into the milk through straws.
Those two hotties give the best ballcuzzi EVER!!


When one takes a bowl (ceramic/glass/plastic) fills it with warm water, preferably around 95°. Lower your testicles into the bowl. Then use a straw (preferably a silly straw) and have someone blow at a steady pace forming small bubbles that massage your scrotum/testicles. Just like a jacuzzi, hence the BALLCUZI
Yo bitch, why dont you grab a silly straw and give me a ballcuzzi, Fuck.


When you dip your nuts in a cup of warm water, and somebody else sticks a straw underneath and blows.

(Courtesy of Bixi Zeng)
The Sheraton Four Seasons in Rome came with a complimentary Ballcuzzi.


The act of submerging testicles into a lukewarm cup of water, and blowing bubbles into the cup with a straw
Don't use that cup, Lauren ballcuzzied Sabastian with it last night!




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