

俚语 pickwick


A 14 year old boy on totse who huffed his on shit gas to get high, called jenkem. He was on Totse stating that it has all a hoax, but was later revealed that it was indeed NOT a hoax, and he did indeed sniff his own shit to get high. There are pictures of him shoving a bottle up his ass and shitting in it roaming around the internet.
Person 1:Hey, have you heard of anyone sniffing their own shit to get high before?

Person 2:No, who the hell would do that?

Person 1:A 14 year old boy named pickwick.

Person 2:What a retard.


(noun) Is said of someone whose reproduction would lead to ruining the gene pool.
- I was walking down the street the other day and a lady said that I should remove my face-mask.
-What a Pickwick.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:53:19