To be screwed over, usually violently with little regard for your health by a person or thing. This word was coined, and up until this urbandictionary entry, only existed in two places: a song by Ghostface Killah (Back like that), and a very strange headband marketed to married Christian women by a gypsy featuring sunflowers.
Pideeled by God, Pideeled by Husband, Pideeled by BOTH.
Hey man it's rough outside
Crack heads is buyin' all night
Handguns is necessary
Fuck around you might lose your life
Anywhere in and outta town B
The same every hood it's so real
That you gotta be on your grizzly
If not then you might get pideeled
Hey man it's rough outside
Crack heads is buyin' all night
Handguns is necessary
Fuck around you might lose your life
Anywhere in and outta town B
The same every hood it's so real
That you gotta be on your grizzly
If not then you might get pideeled