

俚语 pie


Another word for being soft or pussy. Used in Florida, and some parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.
You pie my nigga.


1. A food item consisting of a fruit buried under a crust and baked in an oven. Served in slices. Very popular at parties.

2. A word that can be used to answer any question known to man, and can be an excuse if you do not know the answer to the question.

3. A random word to shout for no particular reason at all. Great in moments of silence.
1. Mary baked me a cherry pie. How sweet.

2. What's the answer to number 1?
uhh . . . pie?

3. PIE!!!


A pie is a sweet and/or savory thing meant to have filling and meant to be eaten.
Can be pastry or pussy, meant to be filled and eaten.
1:Dude, how far did you get with Jane last night?
2:Well, let's just say I turned her cherry pie into a cream pie.
2:No, delicious...


A food given to us mortal beings by the Gods themselves. Usually consists of a circular pastry filled with anything from chocolate to blackbirds. Could be compared to a quiche with a pastry lid but quiches are for posh French people whereas pies are universally accepted by anyone. Can also be used as a weapon when thrown. Associated with fat people.
"I like pie and I cannot deny!"
"Give me that pie you fat fucker!"
"You fucking clown if you throw that pie at me I will shove those oversized boots up ur fucking ass!"
"Oi you fatty, cut down on the pies!"


What the Jeffersons got a piece of when they moved on up, to the East side, to the deluxe apartment in the sky.
The Jeffersons finally got a piece of the pie.


Reference to female genitalia!
'dont be shy... show us ya pie!'


The greatest edible entity currently known to man.
Ahh, I just had some pie. It was better than sex.




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